Masses and Tumors Involving the Pancreas

By Dr. Ralph Hruban

We often receive calls from patients stating that “I have been told that I have a mass on my pancreas, what should I do?”  or “I have been told that I have something  on my pancreas, what should I do?” There are multiple terms used to describe masses (also known as  tumors)  that can be found in the pancreas.  Masses can be described based on their physical characteristics, as defined by imaging studies, as solid (consisting of solid abnormal tissue) or cystic (filled with mucus or fluid).  Masses can also further be described based on their aggressiveness usually based on imaging and examination of their cells under the microscope as benign (no potential for turning into cancer) premalignant (some potential to turning into cancer) and malignant (cancer). Masses involving the pancreas are being recognized more frequently, in part because of the growing use of imaging.  Many lesions found on the pancreas turn out to be benign “pseudocysts,” but a variety of harmless (benign) and malignant (cancerous) neoplasms (abnormal growths) can involve the pancreas and a multidisciplinary approach including good clinical history, state of the art imaging, and careful pathology is often needed to establish the correct diagnosis. <click here for link to the Multi-D Clinic at Hopkins

Clinical History: The clinical history can often help establish the nature of a tumor involving the pancreas.  For example, a history of alcoholism complicated by multiple episodes of pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) suggests the possibility of a pseudocyst, while patients with painless jaundice (an abnormal yellowing of the skin and eyes often caused by blockage of the bile ducts) are more likely to have a pancreatic cancer.  Blood tests can also point to the correct diagnosis.  Patients with pseudocysts often have associated pancreatitis with elevated blood levels of the enzymes amylase and lipase, while patients with pancreatic cancer may have elevated levels of the cancer marker CA19.9.

Imaging:  A number of different approaches can be used to visualize the pancreas.  The most common include CT scan (computerized axial tomography), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), and endoscopic retrograde pancreatography (ERCP).  Each of these different imaging approaches has its own strengths and weaknesses.  CT scanning is a widely available and an excellent modality to image the pancreas.  MRI is a great method to visualize the pancreatic ducts, PET scanning can reveal the metabolic activity of a tumor, EUS requires slight sedation but provides excellent detail and biopsies can be performed at the same time, and ERCP can be used to visualize the duct system of the pancreas and stents (small tubes to re-establish the flow of secretions such as bile) can be placed during the ERCP procedure.  The broad questions that clinicians try to answer using these various approaches include: 1) Is a mass present? 2) Is the mass solid or is it cystic (does it form spaces or holes)? 3) Is the mass confined to the pancreas or has it spread to involve other structures or other organs?  4) What is the most likely diagnosis for this patient’s tumor?

Pathology:  Often called the “gold standard,” pathology can play a critical role in establishing the diagnosis of a mass or tumor involving the pancreas.  Pathology refers to the examination of fluids and tissues removed from the body.  This examination typically involves the examination of slides using a microscope.  The tissues to be examined by pathology are removed by biopsy (small sampling) or completely removed surgically (resection).  Individual cells in these tissues can be examined using techniques called “cytopathology” or “cytology,” or sections of the tissue can be examined using by a surgical pathologist.  In general, pathologists try to determine if the cells present can account for the lesion seen on imaging, and if the cells from the lesion are harmless (benign) or malignant (cancerous).  Pathologists have a variety of special stains, such as “immunohistochemistry” at their disposal in difficult cases.

Surgery:  All of the information obtained in the medical history, imaging and pathological analyses are considered in determining the best management of a pancreatic mass.  In general, most solid pancreatic masses are either malignant or have malignant potential.   Therefore, most solid tumors are removed surgically.  Exceptions to removal of solid tumors exist but are rare.  The management of pancreatic cyst is often much more complex since the majority of these types of tumors are benign and therefore do not require surgery.  The key in management of pancreatic cystic lesions is to avoid an operation in people who have “innocent” cysts while on the other hand not choosing to observe individuals with cysts that may harbor malignancy.  This concept may seem simple, but in practice differentiating between these two groups requires experienced physicians.  In fact, here at Johns Hopkins we have an entire clinic dedicated to the management of pancreatic cysts (the phone number of our pancreatic cyst clinic is  410-933-PANC).  Very specific criteria have been developed to guide the management of pancreatic cystic lesions and are used to predict the need for surgical resection.  These criteria rely on accurate imaging and pathological data.  If surgery  is to be performed for a mass this surgery should be done in a center with experienced pancreatic surgeons who perform many of these types of operations on a regular basis.   

Multi-Disciplinary Approach:   It should be clear that a multi-disciplinary team approach, involving the coordinated efforts of clinicians, radiologists and pathologists is often the best way to evaluate a tumor involving the pancreas.  For more information on the Multi-Disciplinary Pancreas Team at Johns Hopkins <click here>.

4 thoughts to “Masses and Tumors Involving the Pancreas”

  1. I was diagnosed with a pancreatic tumor in the tail of the pancreas having a CT scan. The doctors highly recommended removal of the tail and the spleen. The surgery was performed this month, which included removal of a lympth node. Pathology on the tumor was positive for insulin and somatostatin cells. The lympth node was clean. Was this the right way to management this tumor and what should be appropriate follow-up? I’ve been exclusively working with the surgeon, not an integrated team, so I’m a little concerned, particularly with potential of reoccurrence in the head of the pancreas.

  2. Our family is registered with your program. To update you, my 43yr. old daughter was recently diagnosed with a pancreatic cyst in the tail. They are following up with CT scans. This is to update our family information for your reasearch. Her name is …. I believe she sent in a blood sample. Briefly, paternal greatgandfather died of pancreatic CA. Paternal aunt died of pancreatic CA. Maternal uncle died of pancreatic CA. Thank you for all your information.

  3. Dan:
    Glad to hear you are doing well after surgery. It sounds like you had a well-differentited pancreatic endocrine neoplasm (islet cell tumor). The prognosis for these tumors, if that is what you had, will depend on the size of the tumor, the mitotic rate (how fast the cells are dividing) and the stage (has it spread to lymph nodes). The fact that your lymph node was negative is a good sign. In general, and I cannot comment on the specifics of your case, patients with well-differentited pancreatic endocrine neoplasm need to be followed, either by a surgeon or an oncologist, because there is a risk of recurrence.
    I have written a new series of BLOGs on well-differentited pancreatic endocrine neoplasms that you might like. Part 1 is already up.
    Best wishes,
    Dr. Hruban (

  4. My mother had an attack of acute pancreatitis in august. 2 biopsies came back inconclusive. 2nd biopsy has same pathology description but added “suspicious of andenocarcinoma”

    All blood work comes back normal except ca19-9 @200.

    Only external symptoms are belly pain (for 6 months) Liver and pancreas function normal. Slight increase in blood sugar.

    Ct scans returned with mass on the body. Oncologist visit he clinically diagnosed her with stage 4 pancreatic cancer based on visual examination from pain and energy levels. No swollen lymph nodes. Lymph nodes unremarkable in CT. Is it appropriate to make a diagnosis in this manner? There seems to be an utter lack of urgency to find an actual diagnosis. Oncologist clinical diagnosis came after 5 1/2 months. Never met him before wasnt the oncologist we were supposed to see. (On vacation). Left us in the patient room for 90 minutes and forgot about us. Looked at her chart for 10 minutes and made diagnosis. Ordered PET scan and c19-9 (200). PET scan 3 days ago still no results or calls from anyone. She is 82 years old and had to have nerve block yesterday for the pain. Seemed to immediately feel better and start eating again.

    Again, is it appropriate for an oncologist to make a visual diagnosis like that after spending literally 10 minutes looking at 2 CT scans? (he actually told her he was 80% sure PC).

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