The American Association for Clinical Chemisty (AACC) held it’s Annual Scientific Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo July 26th through the 28th. The annual event allows attendees to connect with leaders in laboratory medicine and discover new products for the industry in the lab and beyond.
In the Critical Point-of-Care-Testing (CPOCT) division, an award is given to an applicant who has made outstanding contributions to the community. The award is peer reviewed and can include several candidates each year. This year the AACC awarded our own Jeanne Mumford, Johns Hopkins Hospital Manager, POCT. Jeanne has been with Hopkins for 12 years, 4 years as the point-of-care coordinator and 8 years managing an amazing team at Bayview and JHH. In addition to managing a team of direct reports, she has spent most of the last 8 years overseeing the quality of POCT across the Johns Hopkins Medical Enterprise. She participates in many professional organizations including the Critical and POCT Division of AACC and the CLSI Expert Panel for POCT. Jeanne is the president of The Keystone Point-of-Care Coordinators, KEYPOCC, group out of Pennsylvania. She consults with vendors on product development and instrument connectivity and serves her commnuity at home through philanthropic endeavors with the United Way of Central Maryland.
Join us as we congatulate Jeanne Mumford for her oustanding achievements in the POCT field!

Barbara Thompson & Jeanne Mumford