Christina (Tina) Mancini-Flegel is the laboratory manager of Howard County General Hospital in Columbia, Maryland, where she leads Surgical Pathology, the Blood Bank, and the clinical areas of Hematology, Chemistry, Urinalysis and Coagulation, the Outpatient Draw area, and the Morgue. Tina oversees forty-eight employees, including the phlebotomists, transcriptionists, clinical lab scientists and specialist, and pathology assistants.
A Hopkins employee for over 32 years, she began her career at Johns Hopkins Hospital in General Chemistry. She left JHH in 2004 to work at HCGH as an MLT specialist and was subsequently promoted to lab supervisor, and then to lab manager in December of 2016.
“I’ve had the privilege of working both at the main campus and Howard County General and thoroughly enjoyed both jobs and all the amazing people I have shared my years with. Many friends, many good memories and seen many changes in the laboratory setting,” Tina said.
When asked about some of her current challenges, Tina said that giving each area enough of her time and focus to keep them updated in the current technology, as well as supportive of all new projects and growth potential was challenging, but even more important was giving team members the support they individually need and keeping everyone in a good place—balancing work and home life.
Tina loves all sports, reading on the beach, and spending time with her family.