The Halloween Trick-or-Treat Parade at the Bloomberg Children’s Center was held on Monday, October 31, from 11:30-1:00 pm, and was a great success!
Once again, Pathology was an extremely generous contributor to this event.
Our department hosted two overflowing tables of candy, snacks, toys, games and other items for the children. To prepare for the event, over 200 treat bags were assembled on Friday, October 28, by volunteers from Microbiology.
Children, siblings, parents, and nurses were very grateful for the many kind donations that brought smiles to the faces of the hospitalized children.
This is always a very humbling and rewarding experience for me as coordinator of this event for Pathology. I want to personally thank everyone who contributed to the avalanche of goodies we had this year — EVERYTHING disappeared! Enjoy more photos with our volunteers.

Gratefully yours,
Paula Mister
Educational Coordinator
Clinical Microbiology
Johns Hopkins Hospital