Pathology Provides a Bountiful "Happy Halloween" at the Children's Center

Paula Mister, Lorraine Blagg. and Jean Lavelle

The parade of superheroes, fairies, witches, Ninjas, and other costumed little patients, accompanied by their parents, siblings and nurses, came to the Children’s Center from 11:00 am -12:30 pm on Monday, October 31. As strains of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” played in the background, the Hope Forest was transformed into a dimly lit and magical Halloween Wonderland as our trick-or-treaters visited six tables full of goodies set up by various departments in the Hospital.

Staff delighted children by dressing up in interesting costumes, including colored crayons, a jellyfish, and a brief guest appearance by Donald Duck in full regalia. The Pathology table was overflowing! Clinical and Anatomic Pathology employees, many in costume, were happy to give out treat bags and an assortment of toys and prizes. The children, ages 2-17, were also able to pick additional gifts from our table. Our small dancing “Junior Frankenstein” at the table was a big hit with transfixed toddlers. Nurses came down from the units and filled bags for children who were not able to trick-or-treat.

Our employees across all divisions collected various candies and treats, small toys, games, crayons, coloring books, small bottles of bubbles, playing cards, Play-Doh, Silly Putty, glow-in-the-dark shoelaces, socks, Matchbox cars, tattoos, fake mustaches, headbands, journals, four stuffed hedgehogs and a koala bear, fairy wings, and much more! Karen Wittler said that in the Weinberg Building, Theresa Cantone made flyers and a huge collection box, and that box was overflowing the next day! In fact, so many items were collected from Pathology that there was an entire cart of leftover items which will be saved and distributed by Child Life for future events such as bingo games, birthdays, and holidays.

Thank you so much for all the wonderful contributions and participation. It was great to see smiles on the faces of those children that day!

For more information about Child Life, check out this website:  http:///

Lorraine Blagg, Karen Wittler, and Ann Juaneza (Micro)

Maisha Cron of Immunology in the foreground

Super Girl

(L to R) Annie Woods Beatson, Child Life Coordinator, and Paula Mister of Microbiology

Paula Mister and Jean Lavelle
Department of Pathology